your Web Forms more interactive
There are numerous ways to make your Web Forms more interactive and user friendly
through JavaScript. Peter's Interactive Pages provides your site the same techniques
used by JavaScript experts just by setting properties on web controls.
Peter's Interactive Pages provides 10 controls and 3 technologies. They are:
FieldStateController, MultiFieldStateController, FSCOnCommand, and MultiFSCOnCommand
The 4 FieldStateController controls monitor clicks and changes on a field and modifies
other controls. It can modify almost any attribute of a field: visibility, enabled,
style sheet class, value and more. For example, use it when you want a textbox to
be disabled until the user marks a checkbox.
Use these controls to make your page interactive, much the way a Windows application
changes as the user clicks and edits settings. You simply drop on the control, set
some properties, and let DES generate the cross-browser compatible JavaScript.
The CalculationController lets you describe a calculation that uses the textboxes
on the page. It can display the result of the calculation in a label or another
textbox. Validators can validate the result of the calculation. For example, a RangeValidator
can make sure the total of 3 textboxes is within 0 to 100.
The TextCounter control displays the number of characters or words within a textbox.
It assists users when there are limits to the size of text they can enter. It compliments,
but does not replace the TextLengthValidator/WordCountValidator, because it does
not impose a limit. It merely communicates the count and if a limit is exceeded.
The user interface of the TextCounter can be like an interactive label control.
It also can present itself in the Hint feature of DES TextBoxes.
Context Menu
The Context Menu control provides a client-side popup menu that looks like the browser’s
right-click context menus. It is designed to show a list of commands and optionally
their keystroke equivalents. When the mouse passes over a command, the row is highlighted,
the way context menus do. When the mouse is clicked on a row, the popup closes and
associated JavaScript code is executed. You supply the JavaScript code for each
The DropDownMenu control is a button with built-in ContextMenu, providing an easy way to launch a context menu at a specific location on the page.
Interactive Hints
The Interactive Hints feature shows a hint as the user moves into a field. Multiple
fields can share a common spot on the page for a hint, saving valuable screen real
estate. Hints can appear in the browser’s status bar too.
Validator error messages can merge into a hint so the user has the most pertinent
information about the field.
If you have the Peter's TextBoxes module, this feature adds Hint properties to the
TextBoxes and MultiSegmentDataEntry control, making setup very easy. You can add
Hints to any other data entry control by calling a method in Page_Load.
Enhanced ToolTips
The browser provides the tooltip to describe almost any field as the mouse passes
over it. That tooltip is very limited. For most browsers, it cannot be multiline.
It has one style (yellow). It cannot support HTML.
Using the same PopupView feature found in DES’s Interactive Hints and the DES Validator’s
PopupErrorFormatter, DES gives you a better tooltip. You control its appearance
and supply it with HTML to convey the information better.
Enhanced Buttons
The three buttons in ASP.NET – Button, LinkButton, and ImageButton – have been subclassed
in DES to extend them in many ways. While some of the features are built for the
Peter's Professional Validation module, several are available to Interactive Pages
users: Disable buttons on submit and Confirmation Message.
The ChangeMonitor watches for edits in the form and changes the appearance of buttons
and other fields upon the first detected edit.
The classic case is to have a disabled OK button that gets enabled as you start
typing. Another case is to show a message like “This form has changed” in a label.
Both of these cases are handled.
Direct Enter key to click Button
Direct the Enter and other keys to click a specific button. Enhances DES’s TextBoxes
with the EnterSubmitsControlID property. It is available for other data entry controls
through the NativeControlExtender control.
The Peter's Interactive Pages Module
Peter's Interactive Pages is a module of Peter's Data Entry Suite.
It is included when you purchase the Peter's Data Entry Suite, or it can be purchased
separately starting at $90 per server.
If you purchase this module alone, you will get the 10 controls and 3 technologies
described on this page.
If you are purchasing modules, the Peter's Professional
Validation module is recommended but not required. The underlying evaluation
rules from each validator, called Conditions, are used by the FieldStateController
and CalculationController (to build IF statements). You can still create your own
Conditions, much like creating a CustomValidator, if you don't get Peter's Professional
Validation. However, it is a lot easier having the over 30 Conditions already in
Peter's Data Entry Suite gives you feature rich
and interactive data entry web forms with over 100 web controls.
Start with better controls. Finish with better sites. |
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