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Peter's TextBoxes
Numeric TextBox Controls

Peter's Data Entry Suite includes four textboxes that handle numeric data. Here are the features of each numeric TextBox.

  • IntegerTextBox - Allows only integers. Options include only allowing positive numbers and showing the thousands separator.
  • DecimalTextBox - Allows decimal values. Options include only allowing positive numbers, showing the thousands separator, establishing a limit of decimal digits, and adding trailing zeros.
  • CurrencyTextBox - Allows currency values. Options include allowing the currency symbol, allowing only positive numbers, allowing extra decimal digits, and showing the thousands separator.
  • PercentTextBox - Allows percentage values. Options include allowing the percentage symbol and support for either integer or decimal formatting.
They all offer these features:
  • Filter keystrokes and reformat as you exit the field.
  • Use fuzzy logic to handle minor errors like extra decimal characters or back-to-back thousands separators.
  • Supports any culture by using the Culture of the page or one you assign.
  • Offer spinner buttons to increment and decrement their values.
  • Get and set the value of the textbox through a property reflecting the datatype (integer or double) instead of using the Text property and converting it yourself.
  • It inherits from the DES TextBox, gaining all of the javascript technologies from its ancestor such as "value when blank", interactive hints, and autotabbing.

Demo 1 - IntegerTextBox

Positive and negative 
Positive only   (allows thousands separators; shows spinners)

ASP.NET Syntax for this demo

Positive and negative
<des:IntegerTextBox ID="IntegerTextBox1" runat="server" Width="100px" />
Positive only
<des:IntegerTextBox ID="IntegerTextBox2" runat="server" Width="100px" ShowThousandsSeparator="True"
   AllowNegatives="False" ShowSpinner="True" />

Demo 2 - DecimalTextBox

Positive and negative 
Positive only   (allows thousands separators; shows spinners)

ASP.NET Syntax for this demo

Positive and negative
<des:DecimalTextBox ID="DecimalTextBox1" runat="server" Width="100px" />
Positive only
<des:DecimalTextBox ID="DecimalTextBox2" runat="server" Width="100px" ShowThousandsSeparator="True"
   AllowNegatives="False" ShowSpinner="True" />

Demo 3 - CurrencyTextBox

Without Currency Symbol 
With Currency Symbol&anbsp;  (allows thousands separators; positive only; shows spinners)

ASP.NET Syntax for this demo

Without Currency Symbol
<des:CurrencyTextBox ID="CurrencyTextBox1" runat="server" Width="100px" />
With Currency Symbol
<des:CurrencyTextBox ID="CurrencyTextBox2" runat="server" Width="100px" ShowThousandsSeparator="True"
   AllowNegatives="False" UseCurrencySymbol="True" ShowSpinner="True" />

Demo 4 - PercentTextBox

Integer only 
Decimal   (shows spinners)

ASP.NET Syntax for this demo

Integer only
<des:PercentTextBox ID="PercentTextBox1" runat="server" Width="40px" />
<des:PercentTextBox ID="PercentTextBox2" runat="server" Width="40px" ShowSpinner="True"
   WholeNumbersOnly="False" MaxDecimalPlaces="2" />
