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Peter's Interactive Pages
DropDownMenu Control

The DropDownMenu uses the Context menu to give a dropdown menu from a toggle button. The toggle button can use a graphic or text. When clicked, the ContextMenu appears.


The first menu shows 3 items. It uses PopupOnMouseOver to allow you to point to the toggle without clicking to display the menu.
The second menu shows a different toggle button type.

ASP.NET Syntax for this demo

<des:DropDownMenu ID="DropDownMenu1" runat="server" PopupOnMouseOver="True">
      <des:CommandMenuItem CommandID="10" CommandLabel="Say hello, Ollie"
         OnClickScript="alert('Hello Ollie!');" />
      <des:CommandMenuItem CommandID="20" CommandLabel="Google"
         NavigateUrl="http://www.google.com" />
<des:DropDownMenu ID="DropDownMenu2" runat="server" ToggleType="Button" ToggleText="Menu2">
      <des:CommandMenuItem ConfirmMessage="Do you want to save?" 
         CommandID="103" CommandLabel="Submit the page" PostBack="True" />
      <des:HintMenuItem Hint="This is a hint MenuItem" />